import { Seed } from './seed.js';
const defaults = {
duration: 0,
delay: 0,
from: {},
to: {},
easing: (t) => t, // Linear.None
render: () => { },
onEnd: () => { }
* A Spice is the most basic animatable object which properties can be interpolated from its starting
* value(s) to its end value(s), using an easing function.
* @example
import { Spice } from 'paprika-tween';
import { Cubic } from 'paprika-tween/easing';
const spice = new Spice({
duration: 45,
delay: 2,
easing: Cubic.InOut,
from: { size: 10 },
to: { size: 520 },
render: ({ size }) => {
onEnd: ({ size }) => console.log(props)
* @since 1.0.0
export class Spice extends Seed {
* Creates a new Spice instance with the given options.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {number} options.duration - The duration of the interpolation. The time scale should be the same as the
* starting time and the [frame()]{@linkcode Spice#frame} time.
* @param {number} [options.delay] - The delay time to start the interpolation.
* @param {Object} options.from - An object with key/value pairs of numeric properties to interpolate from.
* @param {Object} - An object with the numeric properties to interpolate to.
* @param {function} [options.easing] - The easing function with which calculate the value of the property at a given time.
* You can use your custom function or a function available at [paprika-tween/easing]{@link module:paprika-tween/easing}.
* Default is <code>Linear.None</code> (no easing).
* @param {function} options.render - A callback function that will be called after each [render]{@linkcode Spice#frame}.
* It receives three arguments: the first being an object with the properties interpolated for the given time,
* the second the amount of interpolation applied from <code>0</code> to <code>1</code>,
* and the third the instance of the current Spice.
* @param {function} [options.onEnd] - Function called when the interpolation reaches the end. It receive an argument as
* an object with the properties interpolated to its end values.
* @since 1.0.0
constructor(options) {
Object.assign(this, defaults, options);
* Sets the starting time of the interpolation at the given <code>time</code> argument.<br>
* If <code>time</code> is not provided, the timestamp from
* []{@link}
* will be used instead.
* @param {(DOMHighResTimeStamp|number)} [time] - The initial number from where to start the animation.
* @since 1.0.0
* @example
import { Spice } from 'paprika-tween';
const spice = new Spice({ ... });
start(time) {
this._startTime = time ??;
this._startTime += this.delay;
this._interpolated = Object.assign(Object.create(null),;
* Moves the interpolation of the properties of the spice by the given time, which is
* relative to the starting time.<br>
* If <code>time</code> is not provided, the timestamp from
* []{@link}
* will be used instead.
* @param {(DOMHighResTimeStamp|number)} [time] - The amount of time to interpolate since the animations started.
* @since 1.0.0
* @example
import { Spice } from 'paprika-tween';
const spice = new Spice({
duration: 10,
from: { width: 100 },
to: { width: 550 },
render: (props) => { ... }
frame(time) {
time ??=;
let elapsed = this.elapse(time);
// Don't render if the elapsed time has not changed
if (this.elapsed === elapsed) {
this.elapsed = elapsed;
const value = this.easing(elapsed);
let start,
for (key in this._interpolated) {
start = this.from[key] ?? 0;
end =[key];
this._interpolated[key] = start + (end - start) * value;
this.render(this._interpolated, value, this);
if (elapsed === 1) {
this.onEnd(this._interpolated, this);
* Removes the interpolatable properties of the instance and its callback functions, making the instance eligible
* for the garbage collector.
* @since 1.0.0
dispose() {
this.from = null; = null;
this.render = null;
this.onEnd = null;
* Modifies the properties of the spice with the given object.
* @param {Object} options - See [Spice constructor]{@linkcode Spice} for the available properties of the <code>options</code> object.
* @returns {Spice}
* @since 1.0.0
update(options) {
Object.assign(this, options);
return this;